Columbia Fiction Foundry Member Debra Green...
CFF member Debra Green Feldman’s The Convention of Wives, will be published in September 2022 by She Writes Press. Debra, whose pen name is Debra Green, has always been drawn...
Columbia Fiction Foundry Member Jeff Schnader...
My Pilgrimage to Publication of the novel, The Serpent Papers By Jeff Schnader This is an abridged version of the article published in Bookscover2cover. For the full, unabridged version, see:...
CFF Members Published in Fall 2021!...
DAY OF DAYS, Frank Napolitano (Toren James Publishing, Sept. 2021) THE SERPENT PAPERS, Jeff Schnader (The Permanent Press, Jan. 2022) POETRY MEMOIRS, Mary Freericks (Amazon) MY INDUSTRIOUS NEXT-DOOR NEIGHBOR, Michael Vines ( “SEPARATION” INCLUDED...
Columbia Fiction Foundry Member Catarina Abreu...
September 25, 2020 CA: Congratulations, Julieta, on publishing Eleonora and Joseph. Passion, Tragedy, and Revolution in the Age of Enlightenment. I was present at most of the Columbia Fiction Foundry sessions when you...
Three Online Resources For Fiction Writers...
CFF member Edward Evans recommends this website featuring several authors' writing tips: Open Culture. The site's daily emails are frequently interesting too. CFF member Jennifer Kitses recommends this Literary Hub article...
2018 IPPY Gold Novelist—Amy Blumenfeld
On October 17 from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m., novelist Amy Blumenfeld will be featured in a guest speaker event to be held in the Shapiro Room of the Columbia...
Video of Greer Hendricks Interview
If you missed Ralph White's March 14, 2018 interview of author Greer Hendricks, here's the link to the video.
Jack Burger on How-To Books
The Long and the Short of How-To Books for the Writer - Three Examples Why read books about writing when you could actually be doing it? Maybe they have suggestions...
Query Shark - an excellent resource...
Janet Reid is an agent who will mercilessly tear apart query letters. Right now there are 277 queries (many revised several times) with her brutal honesty about what works and...