December 16, 2023

Columbia Fiction Foundry Meets Live! & News from Our Members

On December 2nd, Columbia Fiction Foundry hosted our first hybrid in-person/Zoom workshop since before COVID. It’s hard to believe it’s been that long! 

It was wonderful to read and discuss manuscripts, to share laughs, and to take in the energy of an in-person workshop. Nine participants joined on site, and three participated via Zoom. The conference room at the Alumni Center is beautifully set-up for a hybrid meeting, with mics installed in the ceiling above each seat, and a big screen against one wall. 

We now have fabulous writers joining us from around the globe, so we have no plans to go back to fully in-person. We do hope, however, to schedule more hybrid offerings throughout the year. 

Our next in-person/Zoom workshop will be Saturday, March 2nd, so start polishing up those manuscripts. We look forward to seeing you there!

December 2nd Workshop Group Photo

Pictured left to right: Tania Moore, Ken Schept, Kelly Laffey, Anya Josephs, Havilah Giannetta, Robbin Johnson, Margie Winslow, Ann Lally, Mauricio Matiz (Thank you to Stanley Clark for taking the photo!)

Pictured left to right: Tania Moore, Ken Schept, Kelly Laffey, Anya Josephs, Havilah Giannetta, Robbin Johnson, Margie Winslow, Ann Lally, Mauricio Matiz (Thank you to Stanley Clark for taking the photo!)

Jeff Schnader’s novelThe Serpent Papers, won the second place in the 2023 Grand Prize in Fiction competition in the Independent Authors Network book of the year awards. It carries a monetary prize of $500. The novel, published by The Permanent Press in March, 2022, was also the “Outstanding Historical Fiction” Category Winner, Independent Authors Network, 2023. See:

The Serpent Papers is set in the Vietnam era and revolves around the protests on Columbia’s campus in 1972. Other recognition for Jeff’s novel includes: 

—Bronze Winner in the "Foreword Reviews Book Awards of the Year"

—Finalist in 20th Annual "Best Book Awards," 2023 

—Finalist in the 2023 "Indies Excellence Awards"

—Finalist in the 2020 "Blue Moon Novel Competition"

Jeff (Columbia College ‘75) enjoyed a forty-year career as professor of medicine in pulmonary & critical care after graduating from Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.

Steven B. Rosenfeld’s short story, “Murmuration,”  has been published in the December 2023 issue of the online literary magazine THE UNCONVENTIONAL COURIER, and can be found here: Murmuration ( of Steve’s short stories, “Blind Date,” appears in the Winter 2023 issue of Fine Lines, which is available on Amazon here:“Blind Date” is  Steve’s 15th published story since he began writing short fiction in 2015 at the age of 72. Both stories were workshopped at CFF. Steve (Columbia College ’64, Columbia Law School ’67) is a retired NYC lawyer who serves as secretary of the CFF Executive Committee.