The Latest News from Columbia Fiction Foundry members:
--Margaret (Margie) Winslow was named a finalist for the 2023 Debut Dagger Award
sponsored by the Crime Writers Association (UK), which is presented annually to the best works
of crime fiction and nonfiction. Margie’s novel, Cradle of Storms, was one of five manuscripts
shortlisted. A story of forbidden love and sacrifice during the Second World War and its
consequences fifty years later, Cradle of Storms is a historical mystery based on the little-known
Japanese invasion of the western Aleutian Islands in 1942, the forced evacuation of Aleut
villages, and the U.S. government’s indifference and faulty record keeping that doomed forty-
four civilians on Attu Island.
Margie (General Studies, 1973; PhD in Geological Sciences from GSAS, 1979) has published
three award-winning memoirs. She serves as vice president of the CFF. A professor emerita of
Earth Sciences at the City College of New York, her National Geographic-funded fieldwork in
the Aleutians and southern Chile appears in the PBS series “Fire on the Rim.”
––CFF Co-Founder and past President Ralph White’s memoir, Getting Out of Saigon: How
a 27-Year-Old Banker Saved 113 Vietnamese, published by Simon & Schuster in April 2023,
was featured on NBC’s Today Show on May 26.
Praised as “an edge-or-your-seat, too-insane-not-to-be-true story” by Oprah’s Book Club, this is
the true tale of Ralph’s desperate efforts to save the entire staff of the Saigon branch of Chase
Manhattan bank and their families before the city fell to North Vietnam.
–Steven Rosenfeld’s short story, “The Chairman,” is featured in the Summer 2023 edition of
Fine Lines Journal, a national quarterly literary journal devoted to the publication of poetry,
prose, and writing across the curriculum. The print edition paperback of Fine Lines is available
on Amazon. Steve (Columbia College ’64, Columbia Law School ’67) is a retired New York City
lawyer who serves as secretary of the CFF Executive Committee.