New Fiction Exchange in the works...
Exciting news! Over the next few months, the Columbia Fiction Foundry will be expanding its offerings to our cyber community of members. Wherever you are in the world, you will...
Upcoming Event: A Conversation with Folio...
What do literary agents want? You’ll have an opportunity to learn from three of them on May 18th from 6:00 to 8:00 pm, when Erin Harris, Jeff Kleinman, and Dado...
Events of Interest--Upcoming Early in 2016...
Aspiring fiction writers, mark your calendars! Several exciting events featuring novelists talking about craft are coming soon, and most are free. Jenny Offill, author of 2014's acclaimed Dept. of Speculation, will...
Press button for... short story: French...
From France: a new way of storytelling:
What's the real spread on revenues...
This post contrasts revenue distributions for books, film, theater, and concerts. The focus is on investors and the predictability of overall, average results.