Video of Greer Hendricks Interview
If you missed Ralph White's March 14, 2018 interview of author Greer Hendricks, here's the link to the video.
Jack Burger on How-To Books
The Long and the Short of How-To Books for the Writer - Three Examples Why read books about writing when you could actually be doing it? Maybe they have suggestions...
Two Paths to Publication
The Columbia Fiction Foundry presents authors Julia Kite and Jennifer Kitses discussing "Two Paths to Publication," November 14th from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. in the King's College Room of the...
Query Shark - an excellent resource...
Janet Reid is an agent who will mercilessly tear apart query letters. Right now there are 277 queries (many revised several times) with her brutal honesty about what works and...
How to build momentum in your...
Literary agent Jeff Kleinman, a recent guest at the Columbia Fiction Foundry, recommends these tips from writer Lee Child ("The Killing Floor", "The Enemy", the Jack Reacher series of thrillers)....