What lessons does “The Martian” teach the Earth-bound Entrepreneur?
Unless you’ve been stuck yourself on Mars, you’ve doubtless seen or heard about the film The Martian. And you may know, the film is based on a novel (by Andy Weir) which was turned down by every literary agent and every publisher on Earth, and perhaps even those on Mars and Venus. While struggling authors are taking heart, my interest lies elsewhere – in using The Martian to illustrate themes for entrepreneurs and their business start-ups.
I explore how t and why he had to circumvent the usual gatekeepers in his distribution channel. .And then, how he used the Minimum Viable Product and Freemium concepts to improve the product and build a fan base of early adopters.
- See more at: http://blogs.cuit.columbia.edu/dag2170/2015/10/30/the-martian-as-entrepreneur/#sthash.QZJTbvNX.dpuf
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