March 22, 2014

When Bad Things Happen to Your Good Stories

If you're a writer and you are in some stage or moment of being and/or feeling stuck we have an answer: "When Bad Things Happen to (Your) Good Stories" -- a one-day writers conference brought to you by The Big Roundtable and the Columbia Journalism School's Office of Continuing Ed. Sign up now. Tell a friend. Have your friend tell a friend. But fast. Enrollment limited to 100.

Our friends in the CAA are kind enough to always keep us in mind.  Asha was kind enough to forward this opportunity for the Fiction Foundry community.  Whether you are a journalist and this helps your career or a fiction writer with a story that seems to get ahead of you, this conference may prove worthwhile.  This conference, hosted by the Columbia Journalism School, is open to the entire alumni community.